Your support is impacting the lives of our most vulnerable community members

Your donation to support our most vulnerable populations during the pandemic has assisted with both urgent and long-term needs. From early aide in COVID-19 preparedness to quality of life support for many in isolation, your donation has let our most vulnerable citizens know the community is here for them.

Protecting Vulnerable Populations

Because of your donations, smiles and laughter can be seen in our longterm care centres.

Our vulnerable populations rely on us, and over the past year they have been at the highest risk. Many public health measures meant that our longterm care homes faced restricted visiting, putting residents at risk for isolation.

Care teams are continuing to work hard to ensure the highest quality of life for residents and because of your support connection via technology with family and loved ones has brought joy to many. In addition initiatives like a curbside concert series was held for residents to enjoy the benefits that music can bring.

Providing Personal Protective Equipment and supplies for response

Seniors and people living in homelessness are especially vulnerable to COVID-19.

Early on, many shelters and care centres needed supplies to support new protocols for physical distancing and the many unknowns around the virus spread. This included face masks, gloves and other protective items, as well as resources to create new spaces for beds and service support.

Thanks to your support, people living at places like the Drop-In Centre and Alpha House were quickly cared for and protected against the spread of COVID-19.

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