Woman looking out a window

More firsts
in mental health care

Today, the need for critical mental health services has never been higher. Help us ensure the best care is available at the right time.

Learn about the many options available to manage addiction and/or mental health needs.

Discover Yalda’s journey through postpartum depression, hospitalization and the care that saved her.

When Yalda had her son, she knew something wasn’t right. Not only did she not feel that newborn bliss she’d read about – she was experiencing terrifying and violent intrusive thoughts that eventually brought her to the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary.

Yalda was one of the many women who experience postpartum mental health issues and find help at the Women’s Mental Health Clinic.

A multidisciplinary approach to eating disorder recovery

Calgary Eating Disorder Program (CEDP) helps Albertans as young as 13 years old who are diagnosed with complex feeding or eating disorders.

The need for an integrated mental health network

All in, the economic burden of mental illness in Canada is an estimated $51 billion per year including health care costs, lost productivity and reductions in health-related quality of life.


Enhancing critical care access with a trauma informed approach to space design and care in hospital emergency departments and short-term stay units. Establishing a better model for transition support from critical care environments to community-based services, closing the gaps for continuous care.


Partnership with community agencies and mental health experts to ensure the
right care at the right time at the right place.


Over $2.5M in funding committed to research that enhances our understanding of key challenges in mental wellbeing, reduces stigma in care and creates better support systems for vulnerable citizens.

The human cost

People with mood disorders are at much higher risk of developing a long-term medical condition.

People with mental illness are two times more likely to have a substance use problem versus the general population.

People with mental illness and addiction are more likely to die prematurely versus the general population.

Source: camh (The Mental Health Crisis is Real | CAMH)

Priority Mental Health Investments

Investing in emergency and critical care spaces and programs in our four hospitals with the goal to create culturally safe and appropriate patient care spaces designed to meet the special and unique needs of those facing a mental health crisis.


Text4Hope app to provide daily words of encouragement for Albertans struggling with depression, anxiety or other mental health concerns. The app is based on cognitive therapies and has proven to have a positive impact on mental health during COVID-19.

The Safeworks Harm Reduction Van allows outreach workers to provide mental health support for our most vulnerable citizens, including those living in isolation, or experiencing homelessness or substance abuse. The newly purchased van is a customized vehicle set up to support this unique program.


Dr. Monty Gosh’s project:
Improving Calgary’s methamphetamine intoxication management in emergency departments. A quality improvement and implementation study.

Dr. Dallas Seitz’s project:
PREcision Care with information, science and experience: integrating data on homelessness and police service to better inform care.

Dr. Jacquline Smith’s project:
A holistic approach to exploring mental health stigma in emergency settings.

City of Calgary’s project:
Change Can’t Wait initiative
Testing new initiatives in mental health and addiction through a fast pilot process. This is part of the City of Calgary’s community investment table and in partnership with Calgary Health Foundation, Calgary Foundation, Hunter Family Foundation, United Way of Calgary and area and Viewpoint Foundation.