“Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots, but you have to play the ball where it lies.” – Bobby Jones

Not too many people know the game of golf better than the Director of Golf at Valley Ridge Golf Course, Curtis Robertson. And he would be able to relate all too well to this quote from Bobby Jones. Curtis was enjoying a full and healthy life in the Fall of 2022 when he started to experience severe headaches and was seeing double. Initial testing did not show that anything was wrong and his condition worsened over a period of weeks. Ultimately, Curtis was rushed to the Foothills Medical Centre (FMC) at the beginning of November to receive the news that he had bleeding on his brain from a spinal fluid leak and would require emergency brain surgery.
Curtis would spend the next six weeks at Foothills Medical Centre with 16 of those days spent in the ICU. He does not remember very much from this time but is incredibly grateful for the care he received and understands that without the interventions that were made on his behalf, he would not be here to tell his story today.
While recovery from a brain injury is slow and requires a great deal of perseverance and patience, Curtis is well on his way in his recovery. He is back working at the Valley Ridge Golf Course and hopes to be back playing golf soon, the sport in which he has built his career.

The team at Valley Ridge Golf Course has chosen to give back to the Neurosurgery Department through Calgary Health Foundation as a way of supporting both Curtis and the incredible work that was done by the team at FMC, including neurosurgeon Dr. Hamilton.
The Valley Ridge PGA Professional Staff will be playing 72 consecutive holes of golf on their beautiful course on June 28, 2023. And they are looking for your support. This marathon event is to raise awareness for Brain Health and the Valley Ridge Junior Golf Program.
50% of your donations will go directly to Foothills Medical Centre’s Neurology Unit through Calgary Health Foundation! For more details and to donate, visit: 2023 Golf Marathon for Brain Health Event
“As you walk down the fairway of life, you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round.” – Ben Hogan