Your support of mental health over the course of the pandemic is impacting the lives of thousands of Albertans adjusting to changes happening every day. Your donations are supporting mental wellness initiatives for those who need them the most.
Text4Hope helping to build resiliency
Thanks to our donors, Calgary Health Foundation made an early commitment to Text 4 Hope, an automated service where you can receive daily positive messages to support mental health during vulnerability and isolation. There is no cost and any Albertan can sign up by texting “COVID19HOPE” to 393939.
Over the past year, studies have shown that subscribers to this text service have reported lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression.
According to research published by Dr. Vincent Agyapong at the University of Alberta on Feb. 8, the team found that, when they signed up, nearly 85 per cent of respondents reported moderate to high stress, nearly half were at risk for an anxiety disorder and more than 40 per cent at risk for clinical depression.
After three months, the anxiety rates dropped by more than 20 per cent, depression levels went down by around 10 per cent and stress rates decreased by more than five per cent.
To date, the app has reached over 52,000 subscribers.
Click here to read more.

Technology helps isolated patients to connect with loved ones
Though we remain apart, technology can keep us together. A pilot project to bring technology to the hands of patients receiving care in the hospital and residents in long-term care supported the purchase of iPads for zoom calls with family and loved ones.
Spending time in the hospital can be stressful during anytime, but with restricted visitation some patients can feel alone. Thanks to your support, having the connection and support many rely on in their health journey is just one click away.
Read more here.