Seniors' Health

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For more firsts in

For more firsts in

Seniors' health

Donate today

Your donations create more firsts for aging well.

20-30% of people over 65 fall at least once a year. Falls remain the leading cause of injury among older Canadians. For an older adult, a fall can mean a loss of their independence, threaten their autonomy, and shorten their lifespan.

With your donations, we’re helping seniors age in place. By ensuring the best healthcare supports are available to them through every stage of their lives.

With your support, we can age well together.

A focus on seniors’ health means ensuring that resources and programs are in place to promote aging at our own pace while maintaining safe independence. It means supporting the capacity and knowledge of healthcare professionals who specialize in caring for older Albertans at home, in hospital, or continuing care so we can collectively retain good health, well into our platinum years. 

Calgary Health Foundation will focus on areas that support Alberta Health Services’ care and services for older adults in the Calgary Zone. These initiatives include


Keeping bodies in motion enhancing the promotion of movement whether it’s staying in motion, getting in motion, or getting back into motion after surgery or a fall.

Promoting holistic wellbeing supporting opportunities that increase self-care and independence while boosting social capacity and interpersonal relationships.

Improving specialized care for older adults funding innovation, knowledge, and purpose-built spaces that promote support for older adults through all stages of care with elegance and dignity.

Addressing high-risk illnesses, injuries, and care pathways elevating care pathways for dementia, Alzheimer’s, chronic pain, and other ailments that disproportionately impact older adults.

You can have an impact on aging adults who are taking advantage of every moment life has to offer.

Read these inspiring patient stories, highlighting how crucial programs like the Calgary Fall Prevention Clinic help aging adults live healthy and independent lives.

You would never guess that John and Hellen Beamish are 97 years old… or we should say 97 years young. John and Hellen are taking advantage of every minute life has to offer. With the support of the Calgary Fall Prevention Clinic, the only person John has trouble keeping up to is Hellen!

Let’s create more firsts in Seniors’ Health, together.